Nur Energie has successfully developed and sold Greenfield PV projects in Italy and is currently focused developing small scale CSP projects in Southern Italy and on the licencing and permitting work for the European end of the TuNur export project.
Nur Energie in Italy
Nur Energie started development of PV activities in Italy in 2009 and focused on small scale (1 to 5 MW) Greenfield PV projects in the regions of Pugila and Lazio. At the time the market was very attractive with a favourable feed-in tariff and an efficient licencing and permitting process for projects of this size. Nur Energie has evaluated a total of 98 MW of Solar PV projects in Italy since 2009.
Nur Energie`s strategy was to develop projects and exit when they were ready for construction by selling to third party investors. The development activities included site evaluation, negation of the lease of purchase of land, obtaining grid connection, obtaining the required construction permit and choosing the most appropriate technology. Nur also undertook financial planning by obtaining debt and equity and negotiations with the EPC contractors.
Nur Energie successfully developed and sold several PV projects in Italy of 1 MW each. Since this time the Italian PV market has become less attractive for independent developers and now Nur Energie`s Italian activities are focused on permitting and licencing of the TuNur Cable project.
CSP Activity
Nur Energie has currently launched an investigation in developing small scale CSP power plants in southern Italy. Italy has a very high feed in tariff for CSP and southern Italy has high solar radiation levels making it an ideal place for CSP. Nur Energie plans to use its expertise in developing 4 MW of Solar PV projects in Italy and its expertise in CSP to generate electricity from CSP to sell to the national grid.
TuNur Export activities
Nur Energie`s primary activities in Italy today consist of the permitting and licencing work for the European end of the TuNur project by means of its Italian subsidiary Nur Power Italy, which represents the “Transco” of electricity transmission company for the TuNur project. In parallel Nur Energie is also working on securing off taker agreements for the power with various European and Italian Counterparties.
Nur Energie identified Italy as being the most optimum landing point due to approximate to Tunisia, grid availability on the coast and its existing and its existing interconnection and energy flow with the rest of the European Grid.
The TuNur project (see link) uses an HVDC submarine cable to transport the power from Northern Tunis to Europe. The TuNur transmission system, including land lines in Tunisia for approximately 600 km, the submarine cable and the converter stations in both countries is being studied, designed and specified in Italy.