COP22 - UK Green is GREAT: Kevin Sara, CEO of TuNur will present the TuNur project as low carbon solution in the UK Pavilion
Director and CEO of TuNur, Kevin Sara, will introduce the TuNur project as solution to provide low carbon power that is both flexible and reliable.
When? November 11, 1:00– 1:30pm
TuNur is a solar export project from Tunisia to Europe. The project will contribute significantly to the decarbonization of the European grid by opening a new energy corridor between North Africa and Europe, purposefully built for the transportation of solar energy from the Sahara desert to the European grid, and capable of supply over 2.5m European homes whilst saving 3.4 million tonnes of CO2 (replacing natural gas CCGT plants). At the same time the project will provide a strong stimulus to enhance the Tunisian economy and further its path toward sustainable growth through stimulating the creation of over 20,000 direct and indirect jobs.
TuNur consists of a modular concentrated solar power plant with integrated storage in Southern Tunisia, combined with two dedicated HVDC transmission links – the first link to Malta (250MW – phase 1) and the second directly to Italy (2,000MW – phase 2). From these landing points the low carbon dispatchable power can be transported to off-takers across Europe.
The Department for International Trade (DIT) is holding a Green is GREAT Pavilion within the Solutions and Innovation Zone at COP22 in Marrakesh. The UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech is the crucial next step for governments looking to operationalise the Paris Climate Change Agreement adopted last year. There are 20,000 international visitors expected at COP22, including a high-profile audience comprising senior policy makers, government officials, businesses, scientists and academics – all focusing on global solutions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
The Best of British in Green Innovation and expertise will be showcased during a programme of workshops and networking events, exploring areas such as the UK’s innovative approach to green finance, energy adaptation and energy efficiency.